EPC “Caught doing the right thing”

Company News
21 June, 2024

Recently EPC was put to the test by the e-Stewards Performance Verification program (PV). The PV program is used by e-Stewards to ensure its certified recyclers are adhering to the global environmental justice principles they swore to abide by, through the use of unannounced inspections and randomly delivered GPS trackers hidden in e-waste. In this round of testing, EPC achieved a perfect score at its Bethlehem, PA and Stafford, TX facilities. GPS trackers were hidden in equipment slated to be scrapped and sent to the two EPC locations to monitor EPC’s e-waste downstream pathway. EPC proved themselves by fully abiding to all proper disposition and recycling processes.

This test conducted unannounced and randomly among e-Steward certification holders is meant to expose any ITAD companies that may be exporting or disposing of their waste in unethical ways. Regarding the conclusion of the testing, e-Stewards Certification Director Selena Turnrock noted, “We commend our e-Stewards processors for their responsiveness, patience, cooperation, and especially their integrity — as proven by our extra-curricular tests and inspections. This program distinguishes them from other electronics recyclers, showing that they embody the highest standards of environmental health and safety in all of their processes, every day of the year.”

To read the whole report check out: e-Stewards processors demonstrate year-round good behavior (constantcontact.com)